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Charm Of Cu Chulainn for Fierce Determination
Charm Of Cu Chulainn for Fierce Determination
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Product Line: Mythic Celts

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Product Code: MY5

Product ID/Description
Product Code: MY5
Cu Chulainn is an Irish mythological hero who appears in the stories of the Ulster Cycle, as well as Scottish Folklore. He is believed to be an incarnation of the God Lugh, who is also his father. Pendant is is presented in a purple satin gift pouch with an 18" silver chain and card explaining the meaning of the piece. This piece is made of allergen-free zinc alloy, and is approximately 1.5" in diameter.
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5 of 5 November 28, 2018
Reviewer: Rhonda Boeger from Tulsa, OK United States  

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